
Date: 03/01/2025

By: Petkalag

Subject: Осторожно Каширина Ольга Александровна мошенница,швыряет всех

Аферистка Каширина Ольга Александровна 01.01.1980, ранее жила в г. Белгород, ранее была: Щеблыкина Ольга Александровна, Солдатова Ольга Александровна, Холодова Ольга Александровна, Тафинцева Ольга Александровна, тел. +7(999)9910929.
Каширина Ольга Александровна три раза была в браке, а так же воспитывает трех детей. Тафинцева Ольга Александровна в конце 2023 г. сменила персональные данные и взяла фамилию сожителя, с коим Каширина изменяла мужу аж с 2021 года и с ним скрылась от законного супруга забрав с собой ребенка, и в добавок Каширина Ольга Александровна украла крупную сумму денежных средств, по данному делу проводится расследование.

Аферистка Каширина Ольга Александровна заявляет себя основателем фирм школа продаж Ольги Кашириной, Платинумсофт, Актив Альфа. Вся деятельность по фирмам осуществляется через ИП Холодова Екатерина Дмитриевна, дочь от второго брака. Дочка не вкурсе об операциях, которые осуществляла Каширина, из-за чего стала жертвой мошенничества, задолженность по налогам в бюджет - 766066 рублей, долги по кредитным обязательствам - 420 тыс рублей.

До этого кидала Каширина Ольга Александровна основывает ООО Контур Центр, где номинальным учредителем и генеральным директором является Холодова Е.Д. Вся финасовая деятельность осуществляется Кашириной Ольгой Александровной, в результате чего долговые обязательства по налогам на сумму 130963,48 руб оплачивал супруг

Раньше кидала Тафинцева Ольга Александровна вела деятельность как ИП, в промежутке с 2006 по 2009 г., в результате чего появились долговые обязательства по налогам в размере 29926,41 рублей и задолженность по кредитным платежам в размере 162403 рублей, с тех времен деятельность от своего ИП Тафинцевой не ведется.

Несмотря на это кидала Каширина Ольга Александровна делает образ преуспевающей бизнес-wooman и хорошей матери, выступая в качестве коуча на платформе "Опора России", а так же является председателем комитета по наставничеству

В настоящее время Каширина Ольга Александровна, находясь в официальном браке, сожительствует в г Тюмень с судимым Кашириным Владимиром Анатольевичем



Date: 17/12/2024

By: Alviraanype

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Date: 17/12/2024

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Date: 14/12/2024

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Date: 15/11/2024

By: Williammoito

Subject: Esperio – правда о брокере от клиентов компании

Детали компании Esperio
Название компании Esperio
Адрес сайта
Почта не указана
Дата основания Работает с 2011 года
Главный офис неизвестно
Телефон поддержки
Компания Esperio называет себя одним из лидеров в сфере брокерских услуг, который ведет свою деятельность уже с 2011 года. Согласно информации на официальном сайте, регулятором данного брокера является SVGFSA. Связаться с техподдержкой можно только по номеру телефона или с помощью специальной формы на сайте.
Эсперио имеет мультиязычную поддержку, предлагает трейдерам работать на платформе MetaTrader4/MetaTrader5 в зависимости от выбранного тарифного плана. Оба терминала имеют большой набор функций, включая возможность использования скриптов, индикаторов технического анализа, тестеров стратегий, советников и многого другого.
Брокерская компания Эсперио предлагает торговлю с помощью следующих инструментов:
• валютные пары;
• CFD на металлы;
• CFD на индексы;
• CFD на акции;
• CFD на энергетические ресурсы;
• CFD на криптовалюту.
Проект дает возможность попробовать свои силы новичкам с помощью открытия демосчета с теми же возможностями, что и реальный, но без внесения депозита. Для опытных трейдеров Esperio приготовила 4 основных вида счетов:
1. Standart
2. Cent
3. Invest
4. MT5 ECN.
В зависимости от выбранного тарифа, предлагаются разные торговые инструменты, спред на большинстве из них начинается от 0 пунктов, на тарифе ECN установлен плавающий спред от 0,2 пунктов. Минимальный и максимальный депозит отсутствуют.
Организация предлагает партнерскую программу с выгодными предложениями для трейдеров, углубленные обучающие курсы любого уровня сложности.
Все торговые операции осуществляются с помощью популярных платежных систем, таких как Visa, MasterCard, Piastix, LiqPay, WebMoney и других.
02 ноября 2022
Держитесь подальше от брокера esperio, аналитиков и финансовых специалистов, как они себя называют, работающих от имени этого брокера! Находят людей на различных сайтах по работе, предлагают заполнять для начала отчеты в экселе, якобы тестировать рынок! А потом втираются в доверие и предлагают открыть брокерский счет! Еще разводят на обучение за 50 тыс. Заманивают большими бонусами, не говоря при этом что их придется сделками отрабатывать! А потом под чутким их руководством предлагают открывать сделки и вот незадача одна сделка резко уходит в минус и сделать уже ничего нельзя и депозит схлопывается в ноль! А они говорят это же рынок, просадка это нормально, просто ваш депозит не выдержал! Меня развела молодая девушка и зовут ее Алчинова Татьяна Сергеевна !!! Ни в коем случае с ней не связывайтесь! Живет она сейчас в Тюмени, а до этого жила в Новосибирске! Будьте осторожны!
5 Полезно
23 июня 2022
Что я вам могу сказать. Это самый настоящий скам, который скоро закроется и прихватит с собой деньги пользователей. У Esperio нет никаких оснований называться брокером. Перед сотрудничеством с любым посредником нужно проверять доки, возраст, проверять достоверность информации. А здесь сплошнее вранье!!!! И ведутся на подобную херабору новички, которые верят на слово аферистам и доверяют им свои деньги. Поэтому сколько бы вы сюда не вложили, заработать и вывести деньги не удастся. Так что держитесь подальше от этой лохвозки!!!
0 Полезно
18 мая 2022
Торговая платформа здесь полное дерьмо. Незнаю, на чем они там реально предлагают торговать, но заработать здесь невозможно. Одна выкачка денег и не более. Я несколько раз пополняла счет в надежде отыграться, но все бестолку. Хорошо хоть вовремя остановилась и не залезла в кредиты. Терминал постоянно подвисает, сделки закрываются в минус. Мало того что деньги списываются на фоне убыточных сделок, так с депозита постоянно списываются непонятные суммы и они нигде не отображаются. Внятного ответа в техподдержке мне никто не дал. Такое впечатление что ее вообще нет. В общей сложности я здесь потеряла около 3 тысяч((((
0 Полезно
21 апреля 2022
Я конечно слышал, что сейчас в интернете полно аферистов, но никогда не думал, что я лично стану жертвой мошеннической схемы. Вот что значит отсутствие опыта. Представители Esperio сами вышли со мной на связь, только ума не приложу где они взяли мой номер телефона. Правда я всегда лазил по различным форумам по инвестициям, может быть оттуда. Они мне предложили заработок на онлайн-торговле, говорили что будут помогать. Я изучил условия и согласился. Как только я пополнил счет, мой ЛК тут же заблокировали. На этом наше общение прекратилось… Если бы вы знали, как я виню себя за свою спешку и доверчивость((((



Date: 06/11/2024

By: AisaTits

Subject: Hello from AisaTits

Hello! My name is Aisa. I am 9 years old.
I live in Lithuania. Please watch my video.
I made it myself. I hope you like it.

Nicky Romero | The Chainsmokers | Diego Miranda



Date: 03/11/2024

By: KRAKEN_Ссылка_bus

Subject: KRAKEN сайт, зеркало: стабильная ссылка, доступ и вход на сайт

KRAKEN - ссылка, зеркало, сайт,




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The Creativity

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Total votes: 2206

What are your plans for Christmas?

Date: 27/12/2022

By: Zacharyrit

Subject: Hallo i writing about your prices

Salam, qiymətinizi bilmək istədim.



Date: 24/12/2022

By: VoldemCrand

Subject: Let’s monetize your website and propel you into Google’s Top 10!

Using unique recently developed by our IT engineers software, as well as advanced search engine strategies, we can create backlinks from trusted forums, sites, blogs, social bookmarks and networks, wiki and so on to your website. As a result, our backlinks are coming naturally from relevant and authoritative webpages where the link is followed with a descriptive anchor and are placed contextually within the editorial content. This is arguably the shortest way to propel you into Google’s Top 10.

According to our 17 year experience, using our SEO methods and strategies, average advance period in TOP-10 search engines is about 3-6 months (high-frequency queries), and with the integrated promotion of the site it will be in the top 10 search engines (some requests) within 2-3 weeks.

So, let’s increase a thousand times the number of high PR backlinks from trusted Internet resources to propel you into Google’s Top 10 and monetize your web site together!

A free Backlinks Report for your website is available on request. Just provide us with the following information below about your website, let us work on your project 2-3 days for free, and send you the Report. All the high PR backlinks to your site gained during this trial period will remain yours anyway.
1. Full website URL:
2. Website name:
3. Keywords (if no, we will choose ourselves):
4. Target category (if no, we will choose ourselves):
5. Small description of your services/goods (up to 250 words):
6. Full description of your services/goods (250-500 words):
7. Contact phone and email:
8. Twitter URL (if any):
9. Profile Image (if any):

Voldemar K.
Telegram - @Voldemar_2022;
WhatsApp +98 903 5688147



Date: 23/12/2022

By: Timothyrit

Subject: Hallo, writing about price

Hæ, ég vildi vita verð þitt.



Date: 20/12/2022

By: Kennethrit

Subject: Hallo i write about your the price

Ola, quería saber o seu prezo.



Date: 19/12/2022

By: Edwardrit

Subject: Aloha, i write about price for reseller

Здравейте, исках да знам цената ви.



Date: 01/12/2022

By: KennethBes

Subject: Кашпо Из Декоративного Бетона



Date: 30/11/2022

By: YouTubePRO

Subject: [GET] YouTube Video Downloader.

Videostat YouTube ToolKit - a set of 17 tools for searching, creating, and promoting on YouTube.
Launch your own successful YouTube channels and discover new ways to earn money with the help of the best set of tools.


You will be able to find the top niches with high demand and low competition. For any period, on any subject, country and language.

You will be able to find previously growing channels that were able to gain a lot of views or subscribers in a short time. Thus, you will be able to see how they managed it and try to use their successful experience.

You will be able to find videos that were uploaded to channels with a small number of subscribers 1-2 days ago, but have already managed to gain a lot of views. Thus, you can see the popular niches or formats that the authors used and repeat their success.

You will be able to collect the top search queries that are most searched for on YouTube right now, as well as collect and use the most highly effective keywords in the title, description and tags.

You will be able to analyze video trends from more than 100 countries with just 1 button.

You can download videos from YouTube in the best quality, whole channels or playlists.

You will be able to unify your videos in order to create large grids of channels for the overflow of traffic to other videos by links or end screensavers.

You will be able to speed up indexing and promotion in search engines using the automatic generation of more than 5,000 backlinks for YouTube videos.

And much more.

Statistics service for working with YouTube channels and videos

Save time and money on finding profitable niches, creating and promoting videos.
Get more views, subscribers and earn more with our YouTube author tools.

Read more on the website:

What tools are included in the kit?
This set of tools will help you find inspiration, create content, promote your channel and earn money from your videos. With everything at your fingertips, you'll be on your way to becoming a YouTube sensation in no time!

YouTube Keyword Video Scraper.
Allows you to collect up-to-date data on popular YouTube videos in multithreaded mode. For any period, on any subject, country and language.

For example, you can collect videos that were uploaded to channels with a small number of subscribers 1-2 days ago, but have already managed to gain a lot of views. Thus, you can see the popular niches or formats that the authors used and repeat their success.

YouTube Channel Scraper by keywords.
Allows you to collect up-to-date data on popular YouTube channels in multithreaded mode. For any period, on any subject, country and language.

For example, you can find channels that were created 1-2 days ago, but have already managed to gain a lot of views or subscribers. Thus, you can see the popular niches or formats that the authors used and repeat their success.

Video Unicalization.
A tool for massively unifying videos and bypassing Content ID. This is not just a change of md5 with a change in brightness and contrast, but a complete, deep processing of the video sequence and audio track.

More than 100 ready-made and proven options for unicalization with video processing, as well as with audio track processing with automated effects of approximation, mirroring, movement, rotation, repetition and random frame. Everything is in order to accurately select a reliable option of uniqueness for your specific case.

Search Query Scraper.
A tool for finding the best keywords to promote videos

Do you want more people to see your videos? Get a list of keywords that interest your audience and use them to create videos on topics that are exactly looking for. Help your viewers find your videos online by using the most highly effective keywords in the title, description and tags.

YouTube Video Downloader.
A tool for mass downloading videos from YouTube

Allows you to download videos from Youtube from a list of links with a choice of the quality you need. Makes it easier to download multiple videos at the same time, so you can save time. It's fast, efficient and easy to use. No more spending hours downloading each video individually!

YouTube Subtitles Downloader.
A tool for mass downloading subtitles from YouTube

This tool is designed to help users massively download subtitles from YouTube from a list of links with a choice of format (text or xml) and automatic translation into other languages. It is easy to use and extremely fast, which makes it a handy tool for anyone who needs to download subtitles from YouTube regularly.

YouTube SEO Indexator.
A tool for promoting and accelerating indexing in search engines, using automatic generation of more than 5,000 backlinks for YouTube videos

Unlike other SEO tools, a database of pre-selected websites is not required to get backlinks. This is a completely working technology, proven over the years. A program that will help generate more than 5,000 backlinks, tell search robots about them and help your YouTube videos in search promotion.

YouTube Scraper of email addresses of channel authors.
Allows you to collect additional data about the authors of the channels from the list of links.

In this mode, data is collected about the Email address that is left in the description and links specified in the profile to social networks, websites, etc. The report also includes detailed data about channels, the author's name, the number of subscribers, the total number of views on the author's channel, the total number of videos on the author's channel, the date of creation of the channel, the Country of the channel and the Link to the author's channel.

YouTube Video Trends Scraper.
Allows you to collect data on all videos that are currently in the YouTube Trends section.

The report collects all the basic data about the videos and channels of authors who have fallen into YouTube trends in 107 countries. This section serves as a platform for regular videos and video Shorts that interest a wide range of viewers. These can be new clips of famous artists or movie trailers, as well as viral videos.

YouTube Keyword Playlist Scraper.
Allows you to collect data about playlists from YouTube search results in real time.

In the report, you get the following data: Playlist name, Description, Publication Date, Number of videos, Playlist Status, Playlist Link, Author Name, Number of subscribers, Total number of views on the author's channel, Total number of videos on the author's channel, Channel Creation Date, Channel Country and Link to the author's channel.

YouTube Video Scraper from playlists.
Allows you to collect data about videos from playlists in YouTube

The report contains all the same data as when parsing videos from search results. Detailed information about the videos themselves and about the authors' channels.

YouTube Video Scraper from channels.
Allows you to collect data about videos from Youtube channels

If you manage a Youtube channel or want to launch it, this tool will be invaluable for you. It allows you to collect video data from any Youtube channels so that you can see what works and what doesn't. This way you can make changes to improve your channel and get more views. This tool allows you to collect information about all videos from a list of links to the necessary YouTube channels. Saves all important indicators to the report.

YouTube Scraper of broadcasts by keywords.
Allows you to collect data about broadcasts from YouTube search results in real time.

Helps to collect broadcast data from search results. Now you can track changes and trends on YouTube as they occur and make better decisions about your content strategy. A search results filter is provided: By default, By publication date, By rating, By number of views, By title. There is a possibility to choose the parsing of broadcasts of those that are live, that have already been completed and that are just getting ready for broadcast.

YouTube Scraper of similar videos.
Allows you to collect data about videos similar to YouTube in real time.

If you are looking for a way to collect data about similar videos in real time from YouTube data, this is the perfect solution. Parsing is performed on the basis of a prepared list of links to videos for which you need to collect similar ones. It allows you to quickly and easily collect information about what is popular on YouTube so that you can make more informed decisions about your own video content.

YouTube Video Comment Scraper.
Allows you to collect data about comments and their authors on certain videos.

This data collection tool is essential for authors who want to gain a deep understanding of customer sentiment. It allows you to collect data about comments and their authors for certain videos, which gives valuable information about the needs and desires of your viewers. Parsing is performed on the basis of a prepared list of links to videos.

Video Quiz Generator.
Creates unique videos (video quiz with question and answers)

Do you want to add interactivity and fun to your videos? Use our tool to create unique video quizzes! With this easy-to-use tool, you can add questions and answers to your videos and engage your audience in a whole new way. It works very simply. Specify a file with questions, a folder with pictures, music and sound effects. At the output you get a ready-made unique video. Several modes allow you to generate such videos separately, as well as automatically merge with the video after the unification.

Read more on the website:

Get access to the best kit of 17 tools Right Now!
Lifetime License, Free Updates, No subscription fee!



Date: 29/11/2022

By: YouTubeSEO

Subject: YouTube Video Parser from channels.

Videostat YouTube ToolKit - a set of 17 tools for searching, creating, and promoting on YouTube.
Launch your own successful YouTube channels and discover new ways to earn money with the help of the best set of tools.

You will be able to find the top niches with high demand and low competition. For any period, on any subject, country and language.

You will be able to find previously growing channels that were able to gain a lot of views or subscribers in a short time. Thus, you will be able to see how they managed it and try to use their successful experience.

You will be able to find videos that were uploaded to channels with a small number of subscribers 1-2 days ago, but have already managed to gain a lot of views. Thus, you can see the popular niches or formats that the authors used and repeat their success.

You will be able to collect the top search queries that are most searched for on YouTube right now, as well as collect and use the most highly effective keywords in the title, description and tags.

You will be able to analyze video trends from more than 100 countries with just 1 button.

You can download videos from YouTube in the best quality, whole channels or playlists.

You will be able to unify your videos in order to create large grids of channels for the overflow of traffic to other videos by links or end screensavers.

You will be able to speed up indexing and promotion in search engines using the automatic generation of more than 5,000 backlinks for YouTube videos.

And much more.

Statistics service for working with YouTube channels and videos

Save time and money on finding profitable niches, creating and promoting videos.
Get more views, subscribers and earn more with our YouTube author tools.

Read more on the website:

What tools are included in the kit?
This set of tools will help you find inspiration, create content, promote your channel and earn money from your videos. With everything at your fingertips, you'll be on your way to becoming a YouTube sensation in no time!

YouTube Keyword Video Parser.
Allows you to collect up-to-date data on popular YouTube videos in multithreaded mode. For any period, on any subject, country and language.

For example, you can collect videos that were uploaded to channels with a small number of subscribers 1-2 days ago, but have already managed to gain a lot of views. Thus, you can see the popular niches or formats that the authors used and repeat their success.

YouTube Channel Parser by keywords.
Allows you to collect up-to-date data on popular YouTube channels in multithreaded mode. For any period, on any subject, country and language.

For example, you can find channels that were created 1-2 days ago, but have already managed to gain a lot of views or subscribers. Thus, you can see the popular niches or formats that the authors used and repeat their success.

Video Unicalization.
A tool for massively unifying videos and bypassing Content ID. This is not just a change of md5 with a change in brightness and contrast, but a complete, deep processing of the video sequence and audio track.

More than 100 ready-made and proven options for unicalization with video processing, as well as with audio track processing with automated effects of approximation, mirroring, movement, rotation, repetition and random frame. Everything is in order to accurately select a reliable option of uniqueness for your specific case.

Search Query Parser.
A tool for finding the best keywords to promote videos

Do you want more people to see your videos? Get a list of keywords that interest your audience and use them to create videos on topics that are exactly looking for. Help your viewers find your videos online by using the most highly effective keywords in the title, description and tags.

YouTube Video Downloader.
A tool for mass downloading videos from YouTube

Allows you to download videos from Youtube from a list of links with a choice of the quality you need. Makes it easier to download multiple videos at the same time, so you can save time. It's fast, efficient and easy to use. No more spending hours downloading each video individually!

YouTube Subtitles Downloader.
A tool for mass downloading subtitles from YouTube

This tool is designed to help users massively download subtitles from YouTube from a list of links with a choice of format (text or xml) and automatic translation into other languages. It is easy to use and extremely fast, which makes it a handy tool for anyone who needs to download subtitles from YouTube regularly.

YouTube SEO Indexator.
A tool for promoting and accelerating indexing in search engines, using automatic generation of more than 5,000 backlinks for YouTube videos

Unlike other SEO tools, a database of pre-selected websites is not required to get backlinks. This is a completely working technology, proven over the years. A program that will help generate more than 5,000 backlinks, tell search robots about them and help your YouTube videos in search promotion.

YouTube Parser of email addresses of channel authors.
Allows you to collect additional data about the authors of the channels from the list of links.

In this mode, data is collected about the Email address that is left in the description and links specified in the profile to social networks, websites, etc. The report also includes detailed data about channels, the author's name, the number of subscribers, the total number of views on the author's channel, the total number of videos on the author's channel, the date of creation of the channel, the Country of the channel and the Link to the author's channel.

YouTube Video Trends Parser.
Allows you to collect data on all videos that are currently in the YouTube Trends section.

The report collects all the basic data about the videos and channels of authors who have fallen into YouTube trends in 107 countries. This section serves as a platform for regular videos and video Shorts that interest a wide range of viewers. These can be new clips of famous artists or movie trailers, as well as viral videos.

YouTube Keyword Playlist Parser.
Allows you to collect data about playlists from YouTube search results in real time.

In the report, you get the following data: Playlist name, Description, Publication Date, Number of videos, Playlist Status, Playlist Link, Author Name, Number of subscribers, Total number of views on the author's channel, Total number of videos on the author's channel, Channel Creation Date, Channel Country and Link to the author's channel.

YouTube Video Parser from playlists.
Allows you to collect data about videos from playlists in YouTube

The report contains all the same data as when parsing videos from search results. Detailed information about the videos themselves and about the authors' channels.

YouTube Video Parser from channels.
Allows you to collect data about videos from Youtube channels

If you manage a Youtube channel or want to launch it, this tool will be invaluable for you. It allows you to collect video data from any Youtube channels so that you can see what works and what doesn't. This way you can make changes to improve your channel and get more views. This tool allows you to collect information about all videos from a list of links to the necessary YouTube channels. Saves all important indicators to the report.

YouTube Parser of broadcasts by keywords.
Allows you to collect data about broadcasts from YouTube search results in real time.

Helps to collect broadcast data from search results. Now you can track changes and trends on YouTube as they occur and make better decisions about your content strategy. A search results filter is provided: By default, By publication date, By rating, By number of views, By title. There is a possibility to choose the parsing of broadcasts of those that are live, that have already been completed and that are just getting ready for broadcast.

YouTube Parser of similar videos.
Allows you to collect data about videos similar to YouTube in real time.

If you are looking for a way to collect data about similar videos in real time from YouTube data, this is the perfect solution. Parsing is performed on the basis of a prepared list of links to videos for which you need to collect similar ones. It allows you to quickly and easily collect information about what is popular on YouTube so that you can make more informed decisions about your own video content.

YouTube Video Comment Parser.
Allows you to collect data about comments and their authors on certain videos.

This data collection tool is essential for authors who want to gain a deep understanding of customer sentiment. It allows you to collect data about comments and their authors for certain videos, which gives valuable information about the needs and desires of your viewers. Parsing is performed on the basis of a prepared list of links to videos.

Video Quiz Generator.
Creates unique videos (video quiz with question and answers)

Do you want to add interactivity and fun to your videos? Use our tool to create unique video quizzes! With this easy-to-use tool, you can add questions and answers to your videos and engage your audience in a whole new way. It works very simply. Specify a file with questions, a folder with pictures, music and sound effects. At the output you get a ready-made unique video. Several modes allow you to generate such videos separately, as well as automatically merge with the video after the unification.

Read more on the website:

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Date: 29/10/2022

By: WlasowFed

Subject: Акция скидки Замочи сайт мошенника вирусные базы

Можем предложить сто процентов действующий метод "убить" сайт мошенника или конкурента.
Используем успешные технологии:
- Быстро уничтожаем веб-ресурсы по любым ключевым запросам.
- Делаем сотни тысяч спамных беклинков.
- Спам главного емаила компании письмами с рассылками
- Устранение позиций веб-сайта в поисковиках по любым коммерческим ключам.
- Применяем уникальные методы. Это известно лишь нашим экспертам. Опыт работы более десяти лет.
- Гарантия возврата денежных средств при условии неудачи.
- Полная отчётность.
- Конфиденциальность работы. Про вас и нашу деятельность никто не узнает.

Цена $80
Полная отчётность.
Оплата: Киви, Yandex.Money, Bitcoin, Visa, MasterCard...

Telgrm: @xrumers
Skype: Loves.Ltd
WhatsApp: +7(977)536-08-36

Только эти!
А тАкож Работаем со Студиями!



Date: 23/10/2022

By: TimothyVeK

Subject: Вросший Ноготь Фото




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Bravo Arts

64 Craig Street, Campbellville, Georgetown, Guyana, South America
